Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's been awhile

since my last post, and I guess I have no excuse. I have sat down a couple of times to write, but nothing really came of it. I guess my English Comp. class has taken all of my writing energy.

Ransom is doing well. He is pulling up on things these days. He is army crawling all over the place (when he feels like it). He is very LOUD. We take him places and all he does is squeal at the top of his lungs. I look around apologetically, and most people take it in stride, but we definitely get the occasional dirty look that begs us to shut our kid up or leave. I have decided that as long as they are happy noises people should be able to cope with it, but I also try to distract Ransom as often as I can so he doesn't have to use his voice for entertainment.

Daniel and I are still loving being parents. We can't really get enough of our little man. He is pretty much the center of our world, and it is going to get bad quickly if we don't let him know otherwise. I am not sure that is going to be easy though, with him being an only child and all. We may have to fix that someday. :) Note: I said SOMEDAY.

Well, thats really all I've got right now. I will try to post a picture of the first time Ransom pulled up by himself and some crawling video sometime soon. I also have some stuff of some spiritual importance to think through, and then there might be a post on that too.

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